Do's and Don'ts. Mostly Don'ts
Do not place your cutting board in the dishwasher. Ever. Never ever.
Do not leave your board in standing water or allow water to sit on top of it for any extended amount of time.
Do not use your board in the microwave.
Do not condition your board with edible oils such as olive oil, corn oil, coconut oil, etc. These oils contain fats and over time will become rancid leaving a foul smelling odor on the board.
Do not cut on your board with a serrated knife. Serrated knife = saw
Do not store your board near a heat source such as an oven or toaster. Excess heat can damage the glue and crack the board. A glue joint is actually stronger than the wood itself, so no need to worry about the wood splitting at the seams if treated properly.
Do not use as a hot plate.
Avoid using bleach or baking soda to clean your board. Bleach will damage the wood and baking soda will leave a stain.
Seriously. Don't put the board in the dishwasher.
Has this board been pre-conditioned?
All end grain cutting boards from Krick Woodshop have been pre-conditioned with a 4:1 ratio of mineral oil and local Illinois beeswax.
Left untreated, water (from either washing or changes in humidity) can seep into the wood fibers and over time cause the board to swell, resulting in cracks and warping of the board. Filling these fibers with mineral oil prevents water from entering the board and ensures it remain waterproof, while the beeswax gives an extra layer of protection.
With regular use, monthly treatments of wood conditioner will be necessary in order to ensure the fibers of the board stay flexible and keep out moisture. This is necessary in order for the board to continue to hide knife marks and keep your knife blade sharp.
How do I take care of my board?
You may wash your board with mild soap and water, rinsing clean and drying immediately.
Each time you wash your cutting board, you are also washing away some of the conditioner (mineral oil and beeswax), so a monthly application of conditioner is recommended.
Should you have waited longer than a month, you may notice certain symptoms appear on the board:
-Board may feel dry to the touch
-Water no longer beads
-You can feel the wood fibers with your finger
-Knife marks are beginning to show
If any of these symptoms occur, it may be best to saturate the board with 100% pure mineral oil, which you can find at your local drug store. You cannot oversaturate the board so feel free to add as much as the board can take.
Apply the mineral oil liberally and allow a minimum of 15 minutes for it to saturate into the wood fibers. Buff off any excess with a lint free cloth and then apply a coat of wood conditioner as an extra layer of protection.
How do I clean my board?
Add soap to a wet sponge to remove any food from the board. After the surface is clean, rinse the sponge and use it again to remove any leftover soap. You may run the board under running water, but never submerge the board in water to clean. Give it a quick shower, not a bath. When clean, dry with a towel and leave the board on its edge to ensure both sides fully air dry.
How do I remove food stains?
One major benefit of an end grain cutting board is its self-cleaning properties in regards to food stains and bacteria. Conditioning your board before the use of fruits and vegetables rich in color will help repel any stains from setting in. If they still find their way into the board…not to worry! With the wood fibers running vertically, stains from these foods are pushed to the surface as the fibers return to their normal position following a cut. This helps the stains disappear on their own in about a week with regular use and oiling. There is no need to scrub the stains out, as scrubbing will only scratch the surface. Do not attempt to clean with a scrubbing brush or scouring pad. Just give the board a few days to let the stains work their way out.
We do not recommend baking soda to remove a stain. While they may take out the food stain, the baking soda will leave its own mark and will be much more difficult to remove than the one you had before.
I've cut raw meat on my board. How do I clean it?
A common request is to make a double sided board without any rubber feet, so that one side can be used to cut meat and the other side to cut vegetables. I decline this now for a number of reasons:
As stated before, the wood fibers of an end grain board are separated by the knife during a cut, and return to their original shape following the release of the blade. Any bacteria on the board is pushed to the surface as the fibers close and can be easily cleaned. Washing with a damp sponge and small amount of dish detergent will be plenty to clean off a board, even just after cutting raw chicken. Simply dry the board after cleaning and it’s ready for its next job!
The rubber feet ensure the board does not sit on a wet countertop which will cause warping and cracking. They also help grip the board to the table for more efficient cuts.
The rubber feet aid in the drying process if the board is not stored on its side
The wire cutter on my cheese board broke. How do I fix it?
With the purchase of your cheese board you received a replacement wire. The metal hardware for the board comes from a woodworking store called Rockler. If the wire is damaged here is a link to their instructions on how to replace a broken one. Begin with "Install the Hardware" on the bottom of page 3.